David Archuleta Peru - Fansite for David Archuleta

10 ene 2009

Gladys (Argentina): "Mi mirada hacia David" ... 10 - Enero

A partir de hoy ... Gladys de Argentina nos escribira pequeños mensajes que ella quiere compartir con nosotros . Hace un tiempo vimos una GRAN carta que ella escribio, y estuvo INCREIBLE ....!! ahora tengo el placer de que ella haya tomado la decision de compartir con todos nosotros cada semana un mensaje de ella(cada viernes) ...... asi que hay les va una de las muchas que se vendran ... Gracias Gladys ..!!!!!!!


Buenos Aires, Argentina 9/01/2009.


Despuès de ver y escuchar a David en muchos videos, cantando el himno de su paìs y las canciones de navidad, me doy cuenta que lo suyo ademas de profesionalismo es compromiso con la canciòn misma.
Quizas otras personas lo llamen conexiòn, esa palabra es muy chiquita para describir cada entrega, el no actùa las canciones, las siente y se compremete con cada historia.
La pasion, la entrega , el sufrimiento y la felicidad que nos muestra cada vez que canta lo he visto muy pocas veces en un chico de su edad. Èl todavia no tiene la suficiente experiencia de vida (su inocencia y su pureza son evidentes) para semejante carga emocional, perdon, descarga emocional, entonces me pregunto, que es lo que veìamos, cuando cantò por ejemplo Love Me Tender , veìamos vivencia?? no. Señores, veìamos compromiso con una historia bien contada y cantada.
Cada vez que canta, cada vez que dà una entrevista, en cada sesion de fotos o en cada presentacion arriba de un escenario se compromete a dar lo mejor de sì mismo, aùn cuando se lo nota mortalmente cansado.
Por ejemplo, tomemos la canciòn You Can, en medio de los gritos de la chicas, las fotos que le sacan y no se como no lo dejan ciego, David se planta y canta con toda la emocion que tiene y parece que estuviera solo y cantando para una sola persona.
Todo el mundo que lo ve y cuando el levanta o fija la mirada, puede decir, !! me cantò a mì !! y una realmente lo cree.
Aùn en medio de todo eso, a veces descubro alguna sonrisa forzada delante de algun pedido de foto. No es una critica sino una observaciòn a toda esas chicas que le piden millones de fotos, millones de autògrafos y que le piden atenciòn y èl nunca dice que no, siempre es amable y educado.
Nobody is perfect (como cantò èl alguna vez en medio de pedidos de autògrafos) y muchos menos David, sòlo es un chico de 18 años que canta bien, pero a diferencia de sus otros pares (jonas Brother, Miley Cirus, etc) èl se comprometiò con cada uno de nosotros.
Mi pregunta es?? nos podemos compremeter con èl, ahora, y apoyarlo, ayudarlo, comprenderlo por el resto de nuestras vidas??

Gladys Yelma (gladiola1961)



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9 ene 2009

Fotos: Photoshoot con Matt Clayton - Square ..!! WOW Parte 2

podemos ver a Archie con su papá (Jeff) y su mamá (Lupe)

Y estas ya lo hemos visto pero están sin la marca ... pero de todas maneras AGRADECEMOS a Matt Clayton por traernos están lindisimas fotos ..!!!!!

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Fotos: Photoshoot con Matt Clayton - Square ..!! WOW

Gracias Matt Clayton por estas lindisisisisisisisimas fotos ..!!!!!!! .. esto es lo que Matt escribe en su blog acerca de Archie ..!! pronto lo actualizare con la traduccion ..!!!!
Conocer a David. El canta. Y él es el único joven, que conozco, que tiene mas de 120,000 amigos en Myspace. Pero por una buena razón, porque a parte de ser un joven idol, el es uno de los mas amables, mas humildes, realista, (mencione ya lo amable?) chicos que he conocido. Fue muy divertido trabajar con él. Y no puedo agradecer lo suficiente a David y a su padre por la oportunidad.

La familia Archuleta y sus vecinos del otro lado de la calle, de quienes usamos su garaje como “Studio”, no pudieron estar más complacientes. Mi asistente, Lindsay, y yo disfrutamos de su humor, generosidad y chocolate caliente. Tú puedes leer el artículo de David en el mas reciente numero de Square Magazine

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Fotos: David en Square ..!! WOW


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Entrevista en Square ..!! FOTOS OMG ..!!

With a non-stop year full of once-in-a-lifetime moments, screaming fans, and a chart-topping, self-titled album, you would think it would faze singer DAVID ARCHULETA, but, as Amy Choate-Nielsen finds out, the spotlight of fame hasn’t seemed to faze him one bit. He’s still just David.

It’s 8 a.m. on a Thursday morning, and David Archuleta is standing in a corner of the Los Angeles International Airport talking to me on the phone.

He’s got his back turned, a trick he learned to try to stay incognito, and he’s facing the wall, but it only takes a minute for the first person to walk by and happily ask for an autograph. Sure, he’s on the phone. And sure, he’s so tired he yawns and apologizes for it about every five minutes. But no, it’s no problem to sign an autograph.

“Wow, that’s ironic,” he says to me, since I just asked him if people recognize him everywhere he goes, and nonchalantly he said something like “not always.”

“I think they’re going to take a picture with me now,” he says. He poses for a second, then goes on to tell me the logistics of avoiding the mobs of fans that lurk in malls and high schools. “Dangerous” is the word he uses, but before long, he pauses, and I can hear him smile, and without missing a beat he says, “Hi! How old is he? Sure. You’re welcome.”
Another picture. Not only is David Archuleta tired, busy, and standing in a corner, but he is genuinely gracious and interested in these strangers who keep stopping him. It’s not forced and it’s not false, it’s just who he is: a guy on the verge of his 18th birthday, traveling with his dad to Disneyworld.

He’s also the guy with a new, self-titled debut album that’s been riding high in the pop charts, the guy who’s tired because he was up performing the night before at a big-ticket concert, who has girls screaming his name, and who was a runner-up on one of the country’s most popular television shows, American Idol.

But Archuleta is trying to move away from that last one. He started wanting to shed his American Idol identity before the show was even over, like many who use the show to break into the music industry.

It happened in his dressing room, just after the season finale. Archuleta was taking it all in, reeling in the moment, when Simon Fuller, the show’s creator, stepped through the door.

“He said, ‘You did great work,’ and, ‘Aren’t you excited to be with Jive Records?’“ Archuleta says. “I was like, whoa. It was all thrown at me, and it never stopped. Right there, in my dressing room, I got signed.”

Life has been a whirlwind since that night in May. There was the Idol tour, then radio shows, interviews, an appearance on MTV —appearances all over the place, really—recording his own album, releasing it in November, filming music videos, and keeping his fans updated on his Myspace page, www.myspace.com/davidarchuleta.But somewhere in there, in between the concerts and photoshoots, Archuleta took a break. He came home to Murray to spend time with family and see friends—and get his Eagle project finished. In three days.

The newly-hatched pop star went on a merit badge blitz, making up for lost time. And one day, before he had to go to a recording session, Archuleta got friends and family to help him plant 180 trees and shrubs in a little park alongside the Jordan River. “I don’t know how it happened, but I started out with 10 and I ended up with 21 (merit badges) by the end of it,” he says. “It was really exciting to me, especially when I almost gave up hope. I think that shows you should never, ever give up hope.”

Archuleta is incredibly grounded for a guy who can—even in a hat and after the lights have gone down—get recognized walking into a Broadway showing of “Wicked” and cause a scene. He says he owes his normalcy to his family.

“I think I’ve pretty much stayed the same,” Archuleta says. “It feels like I’m going through a transition in life and going through a different stage, but I feel the same.”

He pauses as another fan walks by and calls out, “Nice CD!” and he thanks them, then goes on talking about how normal things are.

“I’m just David, and a lot more people know who I am now than before, but it’s not like I’m a different person because of that,” he says. “That’s the important thing about family, because they help remind you. They say, ‘This is David,’ and when you come home, they still treat you like a David.”

All of this talking is making him thirsty. So he goes to look for a drinking fountain with his dad’s cell phone still in hand, and then suddenly he realizes that his own phone is missing.

“Oh no, oh no,” he says. “Dang it. I think I left it on the plane. That is not good.”Archuleta starts negotiating with the airline employees, trying to get back on the plane that’s about to take off for Vancouver, but they’re less than helpful. They say no, and they give him a toll-free lost-and-found number to call instead, but Archuleta never pulls the celebrity card.
Even though while he was standing there —on hold with the lost-and-found messaging service, watching the plane take off with his phone, a man asking for his autograph—Archuleta never said to the airline employees, “Don’t you know who I am?”

A few minutes later, Archuleta has to head to the gate where his father is waiting, where his flight is already boarding.

His phone is long gone.

“It’s OK,” he says, “I’m over it now.”

He’s willing to hope for the best and move on, kind of like the next step in his career. Archuleta is already planning his own tour for next year. He’s already filming more music videos, already singing at more concerts. There’s a lot left to Archuleta’s future, and not all of it has been pinned down yet.

“I just want to continue improving,” he says. “I want to continue trying new things and keep on doing music. Along with music I want to keep on doing my best in whatever it is I do—to make sure I’m happy with what I’m doing so I can look back and say I’m happy with what I did and with what I was able to accomplish, no matter what it is.”Archuleta barely makes his connection to Florida, where the Disney crowd awaits.He says the attention he receives as one of America’s newest heartthrobs is “a gift you receive that you’re trusted to use well,” and that it’s “important to reach out to as many people as you can because of the attention you’re receiving.”

I’m betting there will be plenty of people to ask Archuleta for an autograph wherever he goes next, especially if and when he returns to Utah. And since he’s bound to receive so much attention, there’s one thing that he could really use—a new phone.


David photographed near his home in Murray, Utah November 2008.

One of the nicest guys you'll meet. We were all impressed.

Getting David ready for the next few shots.

The "studio" was freezing, but David was a great sport about it.


Lo mas antes posible les traigo la traduccion, pense que las fotos eran MUY importante ponerlas, por eso me adelante de poner la entrevista en Ingles....!!!!!!

Quien dijo que David no es sexy ??????? .. OMG .. estas fotos estan .......... bellisimas ..!!

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Fotos: David en la portada de Square ..!!

Square es una revista de Utah, y escogio a David para que sea su portada ..!! lindisimas fotos ..!!!

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7 ene 2009

Video: David es el 20avo hombre mas sexy del 2008

O_o ..!! no puede ser ..!! David tuvo que estar en 1er lugar ..!!! pero igual tienen razon que tiene una Adorable Sonrisa ..!!! ... !! esta es la lista segun "el video"

20- David Archuleta, Beyonce

19- Ryan Gosling, Demi Lovato

18- Usher, Eva Avila

17- Justin Nozuka, Hayley Williams

16- Justin Timberlake, Kresha Turner

15- Robert Pattinson, Miley Cyrus- Kellan Lutz

14- Kardinal Official, Audrina Patridge

13- Pete Wentz, Avril Lavigne

12- Kanye West, Katy Perrry

11- Michael Cera, Britney Spears

10- Brody Jenner, Pink

9- Bill Kaulitz, Scarlet Johanson

8- Lil Wayne, Feist

7- Zac Efron, Hilary Duff

6- Shia leboeuf, Blake Lively

5- Jacob Hoggard, Pussycat Dolls

4- T.I, Hayden Penettiere

3- Chace Crawford, Girlicious- Ed Westwick

2- Chris Brown, Megan Fox

1- Jonas Brothers, Rihanna

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"Crush" en el puesto Nro 4 en Planeta..!!

"Crush" en el 6to lugar ..!!! (semana pasada)

"Crush" en el 4to lugar ..!! (esta semana)

David con su primer sencillo "Crush" esta cada vez a ser la MEGAPLANETA(el maximo lugar en el Ranking) .. la semana pasada estaba en el puesto Nro 6 pero ahora esta semana esta en el puesto Nro 4 ..!! WOW ..!! nosotros como Archies de Peru estamos haciendo lo imposible para que Archie sea el MEGAPLANETA ..!!!!!

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6 ene 2009

Fotos: David en la inauguracion de Governor Huntsman ... !! Parte 2

Gracias FansofDavid ..!!!

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Fotos: David en la inauguracion de Governor Huntsman -

Les dejo algunas fotos de los medios ..! click para agrandar ..!!

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Video: David en la inauguracion de Governor Huntsman - Sus clases

Disculpen pero no lo escucho muy bien .. pero habla de una clase en particulas .... "get back get back" (regresa) a sus clases de Quimica ..!! jajajaja

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Video: David en la inauguracion de Governor Huntsman - Firmando autografos

Aunque son pocos autografos que da, el siempre se da tiempo para sus fans ..!! Awwwwwww..!!!!

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5 ene 2009

Video: David en Made ...!!!

Podran ver la "Puerta de David" en 0:16 ..!!

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Entrevista en Studio 5 ..!!

David da una entrevista a Studio 5 ..!! Habla de su propio tour que vendra el 2008 ...!! WOW ..!! Algo aun mas emocionante es que David es un MASTER en las entrevistas.

Si quieren ver el Video con MEJOR CALIDAD click en la siguiente imagen ..!!

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Saludos de David a Fans Of David ..!!

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Video: David en la inauguracion de Governor Huntsman ..!!

Aqui les dejo el video de la hermosa perfomance de David cantando National Anthem ..!! Gracias TeamArchie

Les dejo el link para tener la cancion en formato MP3 solo click en DESCARGAR

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Screencaps: David en la inauguracion de Governor Huntsman

Como David nos menciono en su ultimo blog que iba estar en la inauguracion de Governor Huntsman's .. aki les dejo los screencaps que SnarkyArchies pudo captar en una entrevista y cuando canto National Anthem ..!!

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